Friday, September 17, 2010

Capital Metro Sets the Standard

In a recent editorial on the Austin American Statesman Online, the author describes Capital Metro's actions of disclosing their budget and just exactly where they have spent their money since 2005. Capital Metro has set an example to organizations, agencies, and big companies who may not be as clear about their finances.  This high level of transparency has earned them a rating of "gold" by the Texas Comptroller, Susan Combs.  The author makes it a point for the readers to know they are able to be more involved in the overall actions of Capital Metro by criticizing, and scrutinizing their actions if they feel the need to do so.  I personally think this is a great example that Capital Metro is setting not just for government organizations, but for business in general.  I understand that not all organizations and business are not able to disclose all information due to the fear of corporate espionage, and other similar issues, Capital Metro has really gone the extra mile.  The average citizen may now know where their tax dollars are going, and have a better means of gathering information.  I have personally taken a look at this budget, and I must say that it is a very detailed one.  I currently do not possess the knowledge to interpret most of it, but you may find the past year budgets and proposed budget for 2011 here.  Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day.  


Thank you for visiting my Blog. Here I will have the opportunity to share and expand my knowledge on the subject of Texas Government. According to Typology, I am an Upbeat. I have never been involved very much in politics. The only time I have voted has been in the 2008 Presidential Elections. No additional political involvement, employment, experience, or exposure has entered my life until now. I am enrolled in this class not only to fulfill a requirement, but to further enhance my knowledge and explore a new and important subject. I hope that in this class I am able to learn the foundations required for me to further understand Texas Government, and maybe have a chance to participate more in the political matters that affect this great state