Friday, October 1, 2010

On being a good neighbor.

On the editorial titled “An ally against Mexico’s terror” published on September 30, 2010 on the Austin American Statesman Online, of which the author is not stated, points out the fact that a Mexican reporter with the name of Jorge Luis Aguirre was granted political asylum in the United States due to threats against his life.  Aguirre is a reporter in the City of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.  Juarez is currently one of, if not the most violent cities in Mexico, plagued by the criminal acts of gang members and, more significantly, drug cartel violence

The editor states that the United States has started to show support for the issues Mexico is going through at this time.  The editor also makes it clear that the United States should be showing more support, and maybe should be taking a more aggressive stance on the issue.   The extent that cartel violence has grown to is astonishing.  This can be seen in any Mexican and on some American news sources. 

The editorial concludes stating that now that the press is in danger, the United States is now willing to help out Mexico.  I agree with the conclusion to some extent.  Indeed, the media in Mexico is in danger and is a significant source of freedom for the people, but that is not the only sector that is under attack.  The influence and power of the cartels is extraordinary, extending to police, military, and government agencies.  Corruption and the need for money of the very large number of poor in Mexico have made the job of the cartels much easier than ever.  Just about every aspect of daily life has been influenced by the cartels.  Every citizen has been affected by the violence and insecurity of Juarez. 

I agree that the United States should take a more active role in the violence in cities like Ciudad Juarez.  The extent of aid and exact actions the United States should take, is something that leaders of both nations must come together and agree on.  National security of both nations is in danger. Violence has already spilled into several cities in the United States, and as the drug war continues, it will continue to claim lives in Mexico.   Both nations must unite and agree on what kind of government policy is required to help out Mexico and reduce the influx of drugs into the United States.  It is only beneficial to both to help each other out.  Personally, I think assistance has taken too long.  

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