Friday, October 29, 2010

Dream, Dream, DREAM.....

Throughout my high school years, my time spent in the military, and now in the civilian workforce, I have come across all walks of people who are both for and against legislative action that would benefit children of illegal aliens.  To be more specific, the DREAM act.  According to the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), the DREAM act would provide a path to citizenship to children of illegal aliens by having them attend a two or four year college, or spend two years in the military in order for them to earn their citizenship, or a permanent resident status. 
Many argue that illegal immigrants have taken American jobs, tax money, and many other benefits that Americans are entitled to.  I agree.  I have seen many families of illegal immigrants that have taken advantage of services that are meant to aid the needy.  Many do not pay taxes or are able to fulfill responsibilities that most citizens must fulfill.   Nevertheless, I tend to be more lenient towards those who were brought in by their parents when they were very young.  These children deserve a chance at success.  Unfortunately, the current situation does not allow them to.  It isn’t completely fair to punish those who entered this country illegally under their parent’s supervision.
I am a firm believer in giving everybody in this great nation a chance at success, and enjoy seeing hard-working people receive the rewards of their hard work and sacrifice.  I have lived amongst many illegal immigrants and have seen what they have to go through in order to provide their families with an acceptable lifestyle.  Nevertheless, two or four years of college, or two years in the military are enough for somebody to receive a permanent resident status.  
The requirements are just too little, and relatively easy to achieve.  Granted, an education is a very expensive investment, and the risk of injury or death in the military is extremely high, it is a relatively short amount of time investment from the person who is receiving a priceless, life-long benefit.  A longer time spent in the military, or at least 4 years spent in public service along with some sort of fine.  The DREAM act should not just be a way for people to be granted automatic legal status.  Legal status should be earned.  There are thousands of people who have been waiting in line to enter this country legally, and it would not be fair to them to just grant a certain group of people instant legal status. 
  The DREAM act could be a catalyst that allows many children of illegal immigrants who have the “right stuff” to be very successful and productive citizens in this nation.  But it also needs to be fair not only the people it benefits directly, but also to other citizens, and those awaiting citizenship through the systems provided by the government.  The day when the DREAM act or something similar is passed is still far from now but with time and the right resources, everybody could benefit  from this or similar legislative actions.  

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