Friday, November 12, 2010

Re: Expand the district or keep students paying higher tuition cost

This is in regards to Amelia Henneke's blog entry titled "Expand the District or Keep Students Paying Higher Tuition Cost" . Amelia presents a very interesting issue that has been issue of discussion as the population of Texas, and many other states for that matter, continue to grow. As the population continues to grow, young men and women throughout the region will need to expand their knowledge, attain more skills, or prepare for a higher education to improve their lives and the lives of their families or future families. Amelia brings specifically mentions Bastrop, and presents very credible data to support her argument. Personally, I agree with her in that nothing is free. The idea of a "free" education is just that, an idea. Residents pay their dues through property, sales, and other taxes. The people of Bastrop do not want to lose their "small town feel", and actually have since turned down the annexation into Austin Community's district as per this article in the Bastrop Advertiser. In my opinion, this would have been in the best interest of Bastrop to annex into the Austin Community College district. The lower tuition would allow for more people to have access to the benefit of a higher education. The idea of a large population sacrificing a relatively small amount of money for a more accessible higher education for their young is the nuts and bolts of what a collective good is. This is one of the many ideas that have made this country what it is today. Many people have sacrificed time, money, and even their lives for us to enjoy these liberties and benefits. Let us not forget that we must all play our part and give a little back to our communities, it is all for the greater good.

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